School vacation are finally here! Exams are over like finally! Can finally relax for the time being but will be busy again once school vacation end! This is what a university student life is! When it come to the exam period, I will be stuck in my tiny room of mine filled with books, sometimes I even have the feeling of tearing up all my notes and burn it! Suddenly i realise that everything in my room seem so interesting except the books! When my exam come to an end, suddenly i become a crazy freak! Happy like mad! Like FINALLY! EXAM ARE OVER!!!

Ok, let's not talk about exams! Lets talk about my vacation! ^^ First and foremost, I miss my shopping!!! I promise myself that I gonna shop like mad once exams ends!!!

I got this dress from my friend's blogshop and i ultra love this pastel mint dress and the details of it especially the bottom part of the dress! It is made in Korea! I just love how kawaii, sexy and pretty when it come to outfit, accessories, merchandise that is made in Korea and Japan!

 A gift from a blogshop, the "muack necklace"! CUTE RITE! I LOVE the kissable pinky kiss with that diamond on the lip!

Make up can't go wrong with a pair of pretty lashes

Because of all the thinking and studying which killed my brain cells, now I got to recover all of them back and I think herbal soup is the best supplement! I don't understand why people hate herbal soup and chicken of essence so much, they say that it taste bitter. But I love them mad hell! So delicious! I don't like diluted soup that taste like plain water (ok... maybe not totally like plain water but a mild taste of that chicken broth) and the best ever herbal soup is of course, mum and dad's black chicken soup. If you want the best herbal soup out of your house, I recommend this one at Sin Ming Road, the Earthen Jar Treasure Herbal Soup ( 瓮中宝). My family and I always visit this stall coz they got the rich taste and it taste heavenly yummy!

Finally I can put in my 100% on my blog, hope u guys haven't give up on me during the period when I am busy with my examinations!  ^^

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