Singapore General Election 2015

This Friday, 11 September 2015 is Singapore important day. It's Singapore's 17th parliamentary general election where every Singaporean and ordinarily resident in Singapore of 21 years of age and above have to vote.

Let's me give you a little behind about what kind of election there are in our little red dot, Singapore.

In Singapore, there are currently two types of elections, the parliamentary and presidential elections. General elections for parliament must be conducted within 3 months of the dissolution of parliament, which has a maximum term of 5 years from the first sitting of parliament, and presidential elections are conducted every 6 years.
For presidential election is of course for the selection of our country's president and the parliamentary election is basically electing people who will represent the voice of the people in the parliament. In Singapore, pap is the strongest party and took up most of the seats in the partliament. People's Action Party  has been Singapore's ruling political party since 1959 and built up by mr lee kuan yew since 1954.
Currently in this 2015 general election, there will be 9 parties who will be contesting in the different grc and smc (picture from Channel NewsAsia show the statistic):
 For me, my area fall under Pasir ris-Punggol grc and the only opposition that is against PAP is SDA. Yup and if you looking at my name on the ticket now, ya, that's my real name. Eline is me and yumiko is also me. Eline is only called by my real life friends, so i prefer my readers to call me yumiko instead :)
My concern as a Singaporean
1) Indeed too much foreigners in Singapore. Not saying I am against or hate foreigners, in fact, I have good and close foreign friends. You can see how many people are squeezing in the MRT train everyday, especially in the morning and evening periods. More than 60% population in Singapore are also foreigners converted to singaporeans. The government say it is for the economic growth that is why they do that. But our fellow local singaporeans who are  born  and  raised  here, I guess most of us are very unhappy with this.
2)  All jobs taken up by foreign talents. Governement never really put priority for Singaporeans first. See how many university graduate like me are jobless still. I do know having formal working experience is an advantage, but as a full time student who only have time to work part time, we do not have formal working experience that is for sure and employers rather pay foreigners of the same education level than giving us Singaporean a chance.
To be honest, all along for pasir ris-punggol grc, pap won the election, probably this year as well. When I say that, it doesn't mean that I support SDA either. Seriously, I don't care who will win. In the end, we still have to depend on ourselves, am I right to say that?

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