What kind of guys girls should never go into relationship with

1. Career Minded

Career minded guys can be classified into two types. The first type of career minded guys are those who look like they achieve a great career but the fact is that they are born in a silver spoon and they can have the world that they always wanted. He can look like a guy with a great career but in actual fact all the achievement doesn't comes from them but is given by their parents. Just because their parents own a company, that is why he is placed in this position such as a CEO. There will always have girls around him and you may be one of the girls that he may say he like or love but in the end you are just one of those girls that he play around with. He can called the "rich flirt".

The other kind of career minded guys are those real hardworking ones who actually want to achieve something even higher than what they already had, they want more than not only stable career but something even higher. Higher we mean high recognition and achievement. Because of that they will be forever filled with commitments. They won't have time for you but still tell you things like they like or love you, you will realise that they may take even weeks or worst months to reply your message or meet you up in person.

2. Handsome Kind/ Think They Are So Handsome

Handsome kind of guys usually attached girls around him just like those "rich flirts" but then girls go after them because of their looks not their money. Since he think that he is so popular, he feel that he can make a choice among those girls. Even he say he like or love you, it mean nothing because the next moment you will never know they may be hanging out with some other girls.

"Think They Are So Handsome" kind of guy are usually normal looking guys that think they are very handsome and girls want them so much. Too proud, too confident. They may be those who keep going around commenting and like on random facebook girl's picture.

3. Possessive  and Needy

This guy need you too much, he will text or call you asking you, "where are you", "what are you doing", "who you are with right now", "what you are doing right now?", "what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner today?". It is normal to ask questions like this to show concern for a girl but this guy will ask that now and then non stop everyday. If you never reply back, he will get angry over it. They may even do crazy things like appearing out of sudden while you are meeting your friends for a meal. If you don’t comply with or fulfill what the person asks of you, nagging, demanding, threatening will come your way. They will stalk you on every single of your social media platform. To them you are the center of their world so much that they need no other social network because they already have you.

4. Stringy

This guy is very stringy. Even it is a $2 drink or $4 meal, he will ask you back for the money. I mean come on it's just $2, dude and this is your way you woo a girl?

4. The Always Ask for Money

This guy will always say that they really need your help and whenever they need money, they will ask you to lend them some. When you are out on a date with such guy, he will say I have no money with me now and ask you to foot the bill.

5. The "Up To You" or "Anything"

This kind of guy always have no suggestion, he will go to wherever you want to go and just go along with whatever you want to eat. He have no views at all on where to go and when you ask him where shall we go for lunch. All of his replies will be: "up to you, I am ok with anything" or "anything, will do". It will be always you who make that decision.

6. The Half-Hearted

This guy is always confused about his feelings for you. One moment he wants to be in a relationship with you, the next moment he say that your personality may be different from what he want or he wants both his career and you but then he can't find a balance, he is just half hearted on which to choose. To be honest, at the end of the day you will know what he choose when you get ignored.

7. The Jerks and Bastards

He is one who try to date you out and saying he likes you making you feel that he can be a nice potential boyfriend. Playing around with your feelings, holding your hands and telling you sweet words such as how much he is glad to have you in his life and all sorts of rubbish that makes you think that he is nice. At the end of the day, you will realise his 360 degree change upon you and then all his true colours came out. The number of girls surround him and he may not be as nice as before, he may ever say harsh things to you.

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