
Yumiko Goes To Work

Hello my lovely readers, as you all know previously I was in the university and time flies now I have graduated and stepped into the wok society. So what is my 1st official perm job? Human resource executive! In our company, human resource executives doesnt only deal with the full spectrum of  all hr roles but also the job of an admin and receptionist as well. Imagine how busy i can be, juggling with different roles and overtime everyday. It is kind of stressful and tirng when there is a lot of tasks coming in and sometimes I feel like breaking down but then at the same time I realise that actually I learn a lot till date.  From don't even know how to use an office printer to actually know how to use it. So impossible says im possible and am still hanging on here! This is also the reason why I "mia", so sorry to those who are always here waiting for my new post. Here's a selfie at work, shhh don't tell my boss:

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